Even after doing a purge of the duplicate and stupid signatures, we still have a total of 111 signing the petition in only a day and a half!! Newcastle only managed 160 signatures when he left them so I think this is a great effort.
We need to spread the word now and push for 1000 in the next couple of weeks. If we had 1000 signatures I think we'd have something really powerful to try and persuade George and the club with!
I've left in the Chris Bridge and George Carmont signatures for the time being for comedy value - I may take them out at a later stage. 'George Carmont' is obviously a wire as he has even set up an ''impoo@hotmail'' e-mail address
For those who haven't seen it - 'George's' comment is: [i''Sorry my hair style is so . This is the reason i can't stay, i need to find a decent barber in NZ to sort it out. Plus your all rude walking out 20 minutes before the game has ended, the pies ain't that nice around here!''[/i. Even I had to laugh
Chris Bridge could actually be Chris Bridge though - His e-mail is Chris Bridge @ hotmail
How we doing on the twitter site? Have we got any influential followers?