Quote Warrior21="Warrior21"Terminate his contract and get rid, Use him as an example for the younger players, what example are we setting if after his ban is up he come back with open arms? IMO it gives Wigan RL a bad reputation as well as a bad example for the youth.'"
You like the governing bodies are getting carried away.
Gaz Hock took some none performance enhancing drugs.... whoopie friggin doo. 2 year ban is way over the top. Yes he was out of order and yes some punishment but not the public hanging wished for on here.
Other big named players have done worse... kick a door down and assault the occupant ~ no punishment from RL, 3 times over the drink drive limit putting lives at risk ( 3 big name stars ?) ~ no punishment from RL even the Refferee recently accused and cautioned with spot fine for drunken behaviour

~ no punishment by RL.
We are being governed by outdated laws with punishments and consequences often not fitting the crimes.