Quote Cherry_Warrior="Cherry_Warrior"Not trying to be negative but is it just me that doesn't buy into this Toronto franchise rubbish?'"
Probably not, but I'd say you're mistaken. I think the majority were very dubious about the French being allowed in (not helped by the way they were protected from relegation in the 1st 3 years), but you could easily now argue that they've raised the standard (yes, from a very low bar) in the French game. And if it's managed properly it could jump-start the game over there in prep for the WC in 9 years.
Also, if it helps pull standards up in the northern hemisphere as a whole, we might actually have something to counter that other lot of colonials down-under.
We're all constantly moaning that the game is dying on it's feet, so the more the merrier in my view. Unless of course, people only want it expanding in Blighty and just want to go back to the flat-cap & mud-bath good ol' days.
I [ido[/i think they'll struggle, not least because of the huge amount of traveling they'll have to do. But it's an interesting development and Nobby's no green-horn. I'm sure they'll be alright in the end, but it will be difficult for them (and they won't have a large budget for promotion either to pull people from hockey, baseball and that joke of a "sport" American football).