Quote ="Knocker_White"Replica shirt finally arrived yesterday. Must admit that for the thick end of 50 quid, I was pretty disappointed. The quality of the fabric and the fit aren't great and it just looks cheap with the sublimation transfers for the sponsors logos. No embroidery for the club badge but the Errea logo is is also disappointing.
Had a look at our replica stuff at the Batley game and was pretty underwhelmed. We seem to be using the same designs and kit as when we had Errea supplying us a few seasons ago. I'm reticent to shell out for anything more this season now, unless some better quality stuff is made available later in the year. A real shame as there is potential to come up with some really distinct and different products, but we seem to be doing the bare minimum again.
I know you never really get much value from buying replica kit, but there are some nice designs and better quality looking products currently out there. Ellgren have some really good looking stuff and surely being the London club we could've attracted Hummell or another more interested player.'"
Not massive surprise I’m afraid. I had a quick look when I chanced upon merch being sold at bottom of a staircase at the recent cup game. I don’t know about quality but design wise really uninspired. Possibly to do with the rush as all a bit last minute? Many have had plenty to say about the previous commercial manager but when it came to product he knew his onions. One step forward, two steps back sigh. On the plus side the photos of the players are now proudly in place on our website. Better late than never.