Quote The RFL is thinking about a second London Super League club --- possibly Skolars --- not about having Harlequins move!
Richard Lewis wants two SL clubs in London to create a local derby, and also to give real professional opportunities for the massive and increasing number of working class London boys who want to be the next Louie McCarthy-Scarsbrook, Tony Clubb or Will Sharp.'"
Is this a 'working class' boys play League, the rest play Union type of thing ? If it is then it seems to be a pretty efficient way of alienating all of them.
I don't know what the next step up is from 'massive' but whatever it is, multiply it by 10 and you'll have a rough idea of the number of boys that play Rugby Union. Whatever you may think, Rugby League is up against it down here and by appearing to target 'working class' boys over everyone else it will make it even harder, if not impossible.
Why don't they just give real professional opportunities to anyone who wants to take the game up ?