Quote Rooster Booster="Rooster Booster"Be interesting to hear the point of his post though.'"
Fosters, who were once our main shirt sponsor up to 2001 I believe, then became a minor shirt sponsor up to 2003, have now sponsored a northern club....that was the point.
The FACT, or as you like to call it, [uthe dig[/u, was for this to have been a missed opportunity , it would have at first have had to have been one in the first place, but as Gus has been on his knees in front of the local store manager at SELCO, I doubt we were in the mix.
Interstingly, I also accused Boss Hogg of the same negligance when he took over the reigns.....he was fairly high up the pecking order in the Beer/Bar trade......yet we relied on IL and Sports Cafe......THAT WAS A MISSED OPPORTUNITY.
The Dig?
If you think SELCO are the only people willing to part with cash for sports sponsorship, then you need your bumps felt......don't get me wrong, it only took Gus 47 games to get a sticker on the front of the shirt, and regardless of who it is, a sticker is a sticker, but 47 games is also 18 months and I can think of no other 'sales" based job where you get 18 months to land your first deal and then get applauded when the rebook, upping from a quarter page to a full page black and white
54 SL games, 18% drop in fans, shirt sponsor for 13% of this time, no additional corporate interest other than a local dentist making gum shields and god only knows how much money wasted on a totally failed name change.....yeah, let's sign him up for another 10 years