Might be interested but need to know that there will be sensible pickup & drop points - near tube and nite bus stops.
Also a sensible arrival time at the grounds - suggest around 90 minutes before kick-off and not to late a return to The Smoke, in particular on Sunday. No departure times which result in arrival seconds before, and in some cases after, kick-off.
The reason that 'away coach' has failed in recent years is due to poor management planning as regards route pick-up and associated timings. As a 'older' fan remember the days when we always took at least 2 coach's and sometimes many many more to away games.
Whoever is going to provide the coach/s need to be also able to provide relible and well equiped units plus drivers who know where they are going and can 'navigate' around any major motorway jams.......and repair obstructions.
We all remember the Stagecoach debacle ....... when we played Warrington in Newport!!