Very upsetting times at the moment... high emotion i would suggest is the reason for all the finger pointing!
In fairness, i believe the only reason you have stuck the blame for Koppie is basically because you were named in the T&A article and the thread on hear discussing deals for Koppie and Gale... Not enough evidence for me to jump in head first!
All this bad blood is not good in my opinion and i dont get involved... as far as i can work out Koppie recieved a letter saying his contract was TUPEd over as of the 31st Aug! He has given notice that he objects so he is free to leave... seems to be the top and bottom of it!
On a side note hopefully this means the majority of our key players have accepted a to be TUPEd and now we can get on with earning our own way!
Koppie has looked after number 1, cant blame him at all in that! I just think it could have been timed better for his hometown club is all!
Ok we have recieved a lot of help from the RFL, but i for one hope we can move away from that and mkae our own way! I am a proud bulls fan because of my players and their attitude this season... the debacle has been very very bad!