Quote jools="jools"Why do people correct the punctuation and grammar of writing on a forum? I'm a teacher but when writing on here I just write like I speak- Occasionally my spellcheck corrects things for me-sometimes when I don't want it to. If i was writing a letter I would be more careful. Folk that do it just come across as pretentious fools who have lost the real debate- a bit like rugby fans who comment on crowds do so because they are inferior on the field.'"
Quite right and well said. The only time I do it is to have a dig at hypocrites such as this:
Quote jools="Run leroy , run !"I love the Republic of Hull folks.
Maths - please count the fans on Sunday,and if you can count past 20 you'll be confused.
Your or you're ? Possessive noun or apostrophe of you are....?
It will good when basic education eventually reaches the masses of Hull and replaces uneducated ignorance and inbreeding.....
....last season when I was there a Hull fan introduced me to his cousin and to his wife , but only 1 person was stood there...'"