Great decision - so very well deserved and so very pleased for Eorl. Truly a Giant in all senses, a one club man who is a true legend for the C&G faithful and many other RL fans. Ask anyone what they know about the Giants and most will be quick to mention Eorl even if they know little about the game. That says it all.
Has been an honour to watch his full career and see him grow to be an integral part of our recent successful history. Before we could only dream of ever being crowned LLS winners or being involved in CC finals and Eorl has been part of all that as well of course sticking with us through relegation and promotion prior. All that and a true gent, a really nice guy who always seems to have time for fans and now acting as Club ambassador sees him continuing to help the club move forward off the field now.
He should be very proud of all he has achieved and let's hope he us the forebear of many more Giants legends in the SL era.
Big Eorl - Giants legend