Quote wishy wrote
It's touting and as he got them free shouldn't be doing this, especially in this manner!! I generally disagree with all sorts of selling on tickets even though I do turn a blind eye to a certain someone here! Yes he hasn't got his info correct as we don't have tickets at £17 so it will most probably say on the tickets £0.00/Comp which makes it even worse! As I say someone here does it every game so do you disagree with that individual as it is the same! Ateotd the club is missing out on revenue regardless!!
By the way thats why you're ticket was given away when you gave it me, to that certain person as they'll know who they are'"
But unless we know the circumstances should we be describing someone as a robber. Maybe it is a Giants fan of 30 years who has already done a lot to support the club, maybe thay are trying to raise a bit of cash to buy MM tickets. may be they saw it as a fair way of getting the tickets to someone else who might be able to use them. it is a bit like the controversy on the VT about senior selling his stuff. they are his tickets let him do what he wants
it is not what i would do and have given lots of tickets away in the past especially international ones when my ex wont let me have my son. but suppose he goes to the ground and says to someone in the queue here is some free tickets that does not help the club either. there is a good chance they might go to a Huddersfield residing Bulls fan who wants to see a team on the up
How many people use their £10 vouchers to get someone new to the game or just to sub someone who might be going anyway.
let he without sin cast the first stone( excluding Mary)