You may not like Thorman but making statements like that undermine your case.
If Friday was anything to go by Brett Hodgson cannot tackle, does not know when to pass the ball or keep it and cannot kick goals would it be ok to get rid of him.
Thorman is a good passer and his tackling was Ok. he won us more games than he lost for us and there are not that many players we can say that about. he set up two tries for Hull so he must have done something right. thorman had strengths and weaknesses as do most players. What is important is how the indavidual players come together to make a team.
Hulls half backs had more balance and complementing skills than did ours..
i was going to stop joining in this debate about Thorman but if everyone else keeps slagging him off unfairly i may have to break that promise.
I wish we had kept Thorman for another season and given Brown time to pick , choose and mould his own players. We will see how well Brown and Robbo are at the end of ths season.'"
I think that is a fair assesment of the situation. Thorman has a very good Rugby brain and you can see him and Berrigan leading the players around the field which is why Hull suddenly look like we have some direction in our play.
I agree that what he lacks in his average defence and speed that he makes up for in his tactical kicking (with Berrigan and Horne as well, were now very good in that dept.), passing and leadership. Good signing for us I think.