Quote Bent&Bongser="Bent&Bongser"вот что нам всем интересно
Quote Bent&Bongser="Heywood Broun"Repartee is what you wish you'd said'"
Bongser saw it on the reverse of an England's Glory matchbox when he was a lad
Quote Bent&Bongser="The Infinite Monkey Theorem (bowdlerized)"Give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of usernames, an infinite number of keypads and an infinite length of time and they will produce a line of Shakespeare.'"
Quote Bent&Bongser="William Shakespeare"Who is Sylvia? what is she, That all our swains commend her?'"
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Quote Bent&Bongser="knockonknockon"......who, what is koko?'"
Close, but no banana!
Quote Bent&Bongser="Nicolai Poliakoff"Where is Charlie Caroli, how is he?'"