Nearly there!
On the 31st of January you were all (save Budge who was not at that point participating) cordially invited to predict:
e) Which team will win The Grand Final? (100pts)
f) Who will be Man of Steel 2019? (100pts)
The same questions were posed just before Easter, this time for 50 & 80 points respectively.
Initially nobody foresaw Jackson Hastings being awarded Man of Steel* and one hundred points went up the Suwannee for all. So the defending Champion’s title now had a Donnyclesian sword hanging above it by a single human hair. Dum...dum...dooooom!
(* Apart from two Salford lads – do William Hill have a PR department? £23G is a paltry amount to that company. Bongser hopes that they lose a thousand times that in revenue for the bad publicity they invited by welching on the bet. They’ll get away with their technicality legally, but morally, no. Commercially, hopefully not.)
Easter came and the late, less than great, Mike Reid introduced us to a retro game of Runaround. Many changed their choice of Man of Steel. Everybody still zilched out.
That means that with a game to spare we have a new Champion Elect!
Saints won the GF. A January 100 points to six (Chayders, Atomic & Wanderer opting for Warrington).
Easter saw only CL playing Runaround by switching to the even more Scousers. Thus 50 points for seven of us.
And (never start a sentence with “And”) so, without further ado but with full Sunday names we go to the Final
Vancouver Leyther 2,484
Wanderer 2,155
Bent & Bongser 1,912
Zulu01 1,932
Charlie Caroli 1,866
The Publican 1,837
EVVO 1,808
Cheadle Leyther 1,668
Atomic 1,244
Budgiezilla 376
Thanks to all that competed and kept Bongser entertained whilst he, hopefully, kept you entertained until he ran into a brick wall – those dashed builders.
Special mention should go to Budge. He joined in in the latter stages knowing that he could only win at best the wooden spoon. Very sporting! Sorry Zillers, the wooden spoon is as imaginary as the heritage badge.
Also a mention in dispatches to Wanderer who put up a spirited and valiant defence of his title but just fell short and slipped into second place. They say (who are these bloody people that say “these” things) that back-to-back Championships are the hardest. Bravo!
This year’s Champion (as those of you that can read a league table already may surmise) is therefooooore......