I agree with Nik Somani.
Folk do not like queing and wether anyone likes it or not why would anyone want to be in the LSV 40 minutes before kick off when the beer is pasteurised and over priced, food is also too expensive.
This is not a dig at the people who have to print off the tickets on matchdays. It is a fact. Everything has to be done through machines which quite frankly are hardly instantantaneous and that is being kind.
Tickets, if it has to be all ticket should be available in the town centre. It takes 15 minutes to walk to the LSV from the Bus station and 15 minutes back.That is one reason in particular why casuals will not take the trouble.
Not everyone can afford a season ticket despite them representing very good value. Pay on the gate would be quicker and although it might not be the future just yet

we are a society which in the main acts on impulse.
Our regular fans will always be regular fans and even when we were in Superleague ticket only impacted on attendances that season in my view despite the regular thrashings we had to endure.