I don't really see what Robbo is posting to be so irksome lefty if I'm honest. Yes the penalties he gave were all there to be given, I think what got people's backs up was that suddenly those penalties [iwere[/i being given, look back over the games in SL so far this season and most of what was punished against Hudds was being let-go.
To be honest, the main thing that [ireally[/i gets my back up as far as being penalised or not goes, is moving forward off the mark before playing the ball. There's an argument to say that if the defence is set and the ref doesn't move them further back, then the attacking team are just chewing up their own space and they won't get any benefit from it - but this isn't quite the case, on numerous occasions this season, I have seen this happen on sky games and there is one common result of this particular tactic being used, that is, the ball player moving forward off the mark makes it impossible for the defending markers to get square, on occasions these markers will make a reflex tackle on the dummy half, this results in a penalty against the defence for not being square - infuriating, since the penalty
should be for not playing the ball on the mark.
There. Rant over!