Our next event will be on Wednesday 14th July 2010 in the Platinum Suite North Stand, Halliwell Jones Stadium, doors open at 6.45 for a 7.00pm start. We will be holding a Fans Forum at which our guests will be John Bastian, First Team players and England International Academy players.
The theme for the night is how Squadbuilder is “Investing in Future Success" for Warrington Wolves. The event is free and open to all fans and it will give every one who attends an opportunity to find out how Squadbuilder helps with the development of junior players.
The forum will be followed by our Annual General Meeting. To help us with planning this event we would appreciate it if you could advise if you will be attending by email to
roy.chicken@Squadbuilder.co.uk .
Notice is hereby given that the seventh Annual General Meeting of the Warrington Wolves Supporters' Society Limited will be held in the Platinum Suite on the second floor of the North Stand, Halliwell Jones Stadium, Winwick Road, Warrington, WA2 7NE at 8.30 pm on Wednesday 14th July 2010 for the following purposes:-
1. To receive the report of the Chairman for the year ended 31st December 2009.
2. To receive and approve the audited accounts of the Society in respect of the year ended 31st December 2009.
3. To receive a report from the Society Board on the activities planned 2010.
4. To elect the members of the Society Board to hold position for the term and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the rules of the Society.
Nominations are being sought for positions of:
A representative from local businesses.
Ordinary members of the Trust Board.
All nominations must be submitted by Wednesday 1st July 2010 and be sent to:
The Secretary
Warrington Wolves Supporters’ Trust
Halliwell Jones Stadium
Winwick Road