Quote wire-til-i-die="wire-til-i-die"the sooner he plays the better, we lack direction in attack and its cost us dearly the last 2 games, i aint saying we are a 1 man team but on friday his kicking game would have won us the match and today we would of at least scored a few more tries with his attacking mind in the team, there hallf backs were the difference today and no matter what anyone says, we need briers'"
None of our half backs have done anything for the past season and 9 games so how much difference do you think Briers will make at the wrong end of his career ,he is another player who will hopefully be on his way at the end of the season and 2 top quality half backs brought in ,in place of Briers and Monaghan who makes Sulllivan look good ,Cullen has a lot to answer for he has ruined this club with poor signings and a lack of team morale which imo is all down to his handy work