Quote Michigan red="Michigan red"for the RFL to allow this farce '"
...To continue after the hastily ended press conference seems to have occurred.
I think they should have taken the head coach into a room out of the way to prevent the following being written in the national press yesterday -
Quote Michigan redIn the end McNamara did cut his conference short – the coach exiting sharply stage left, claiming he had to catch the team bus. He was spotted a few minutes later chatting with officials at the top of the players' tunnel as his team ambled out of the stadium. "Hilarious," observed an amused Australian journalist. There are not many sporting fields where the Australians can look down on the Poms right now but this is one.'"
I think it is suggesting that the head coach not only refused to answer questions the journalist posed,on behalf of the public,but may not have been truthful.
A strange way to encourage more media coverage and boost the sport via the international games so beloved by the other code.
I did notice something in the press which may bring a little comfort to Gareth Hock -
Several members of the 24-man squad are known to be unhappy with how Hock was treated
Bit more important than the views of supporters and journalists who don't know the full story.