not taking sides but reading all these many threads on car parking Just like to point out :-
Quote Planning permission constaints :-
1. To integrate the objectives identified within the Traffic Management Plan in a coordinated
way into the masterplan that effects a modal shift from the traditional car based use to one
that encourages arrival on foot, bicycle or public transport.
It's in the outline planning that the Stadium have to manage the site to encourage arrival other than Car parking.
Quote 5.3.2 Park & RideThe proposed transport strategy seeks to reduce the
demand for car travel by introducing attractive alternative
modes of travel and reducing the length of car trips. Part of
the approach proposes a remote park and ride strategy for
stadium match days, located so that the majority of some
spectator’s journeys can be by the shuttle buss connections'"
it's in the planning permission that they have to encourage off site park & Rides, and they have sorted park & rides from the Willows & the Trafford Centre at nominal costs
For Michigan Red !
Quote A minimum of 100 cycle stands will be shared
between both stadium and retail developments.
Cycle racks have principally been located at the key use
entrances around the stadium at concourse level.'"
it's in the Outline Masterplan we need to remind them of this !
They have additional leeway other than the existing 600 spaces for additional parking albeit hardcore or permiable paving sited near the retail site, I believe this will happen in time for the early part of the SL season
Quote Car parking requirements of 1000 stadium and 972
retail result in potentially large areas of hardstanding'"
of the newer RL stadiums not many have an abudance of Car parking available. I think Leigh's ^ DW Stadium are the exception.