Michigan red wrote: Union whilst not being a patch on SL at club level will always for me wipe the floor with League on an international basis,
Union has a far bigger worldwide audience, bigger attendances & far better TV coverage. With regards quality of rugby I'd still watch Tri-Nations RL over Six Nations RU anyday.
Michigan red wrote: as i've said before coming from a Welsh family i've had the pleasure of attending a 6 nations game at the Millenium stadium and the atmosphere generated by the crowd is unlike anything i've come even remotely near to at any RL game.
, my uncle's Welsh and Chairman of Llandovery in the Welsh Premiership. I keep trying to get him to step foot in The Willows but he's not having any of it!!! Think he's scared he might get converted

Michigan red wrote: And as you say the Lions tours generate an interest that anyone in RL circles can only ever dream of creating.
I'm planning on going to Oz for the 2013 tour. I'm not a massive Union fan but the atmosphere in SA this year looked amazing and the matches were superb. Can think of much worse ways to spend 2-3 months of my life!!!
Well I attended the England France game over in Doncaster and if the comedy band is what you call atmosphere it was excellent, if not it was dire and was one of the first times at a game of RL that i'd have happily back doored it and left early. I think until the RL see that we can only compete as a GB & I team then international RL will be of no great quality on a regular basis.
I would suggest that if you brought your uncle to a game that is gauranteed to have a decent crowd and a free flowing game then he would enjoy himself, a few years ago when I lived in Monton the lad next door was from Bath and a confirmed RU fan but I took him to a few games and is now an unashamed RL fan as well, he agreed with me in that club games are much more entertaining in RL (well apart from some of the big South West derbies in RU).
Have to agree with you on the Lions thing, though do think if enough RL fans went on a large scale RL trip down under to follow the RL Lions on a 3 test tour with say 3 weeks of warm up games and a midweek game when the tests were on that it could generate the same excitment, though I think possibly the appeal of the RU Lions is the sheer numbers who travel. It harks back to what I said before that we need a BG & I team who have more than an outside chance of winning one game to make it appealing, the fact that currently we have a brilliant crop of youngesters coming through would suggest that better tiems arent that far away - though of course it could just be another false dawn.