Quote Red Preacher="Red Preacher"Just watching Canterbury v Manly from last Sunday. Andrew Voss, backed by Peter Sterling have just suggested that Salford, as a place, "isn't all that attractive."
Now don't get me wrong, in comparison to the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, where many of the Sydney based NRL players live, Salford is very different. But my word, no need for the negative description of the place. I'm sure Luke Patten, once he's settled in will love it here.
Vossy, Sterlo;
I don't think we should get too upset about this sort of thing as we know that Salford is a very different place than it was a good few years ago.
I really don't think that people like Voss have anything to start shouting about as there are MANY suburbs in Greater Sydney that are absolute S**tholes and I'm not just talking a bout The western suburbs either.
My other half went back fairly recently due to a family bereavement and was there with her family for a month.
When I picked her up from Inverness airport to drive her home, I could not believe her commenting, "let's go home for Gods sake, I am so pleased to be HOME (Scotland). Apart from seeing her family and taking time out to re-visit some of our old houses/stamping grounds she absolutely HATED IT.
She said that she has never seen so much graffiti in all her life, and that one of our old houses in what used to be a great cul-de-sac was adorned with a broken fridge freezer and a knackered sofa out front, but the lovely swimming pool we had was used as a mini landfill.
It hurt me to listen to this but not as much as it hurt her to see the place where we had some fantastic times and that the pool that her Dad built for us all (it was his death that she went for the funeral) was totally fooked.
It's all relative I suppose, but let's not forget that without places like Salford, Wigan, Leigh, Featherstone and so on Rugby League would not have been born and evolved. Perhaps Voss should think about his own (very humble) roots.
P.S. Anyone that is prepared to commentate on "Torvill and Dean dancing on ice" and then return to commentating on RL is prepared to prostitute himself regardless and therefore should be treated as he would have been a couple of hundred years ago. ie: not credible due to being of (alleged) convict stock.