Right its probably to early to say loudly and there is still time for him to cock it up or the club to coach it out of him (

) so im only going to whisper it........
It looks like this boy can play
Every time he touched the ball against widnes he was asking questions with lots of runners (both real ones and dummy) around him (which is half the battle in my opinion) he and we as a team looked dangerous, if he and the rest of the team continue with the level of enthusiam of supporting the ball carrier for the duration of the season who knows were we can go?.
I hope the idea of bringing him on from the bench continues as these days its a 17 man game and you dont neccesally have to start with man for man the strongest available team.
Bringing him and J Smith on Certainly added zip to our attack and stopped our intensity dropping which is what has happened in the past when our substituations begin.
Small steps in the right direction have been taken, which is a positive and i feel that our squad of players can produce a better performance and deal with the extra quality on show in superleague a succesful season is on the cards.