Aries Sir Ryan, a true Utd legend

. Cannot believe some of the cr*p I've heard this morning about him not deserving the award

. Can anyone explain why Haye (after 1 meaningful fight), Murray (after another season of near misses) or Button (only won because he had a better car) deserve the award more?
Ok, so Giggsy doesn't play all the time. Name me another 36 year old in world Football that can influence a game as much as he does. Giggs has been at THE biggest club in the world for 20 years and can still justify a place in the team. Footballers very rarely make the shortlist for SPOTY due to the team nature but when you look at the achievements of Giggs (which IMO will never be matched) I fiond it extremely churlish to question it being deserved.
BTW, good shout on Phil Taylor, possibly the most dominant sportsman ever in his chosen field. McCoy..... costs me too much money to be considered I'm afraid
[size=50[size=85P.S No I am not Rhodri in disguise [/size