Quote Dr Chim Richalds="Dr Chim Richalds"
Well in front? Really.. Cahill, Leuluai and O'Carroll are all behind the kicker. The one camera angle available on the night (it wasn't a sky game so only the club cameras are present) doesn't show Houston or Marsh in shot when the kick is put up so I'm amazed that Carney who only has access to this one camera angle is so certain? Or could he be doing what he's normally doing and that's a really bad Adrian Durham impression.
Also... Cobb doesn't signal for offside.. he signals for impeding in the air. So even Cobb wasn't aware of the offside?'"
I mentioned Carney because he doesn't have a dog in the fight and generally talks sense. He only spotted what a couple of mates did on the night that where there, take what you want out of that. You're No. 22 Whitley was the one in front and No.11 Naughton looked a step or two in front of the kicker as well.
As for Cobb not being aware, no he wasn't, so what. How many times do refs give tries then they're chalked off when the video ref sees them because a player's offside. The whole things is more a reply to you declaring 'If that is handed to the video ref then it's certainly given'. That's why I brought the off side's up because it would have been looked at if the video ref was there.
Anyway, time to move on.