Hi all,
As rugby league fans you may have heard that on Sunday 27th September, my mum was killed when an out of control vehcile mounted the kerb and hit my mum and dad from behind as they walked their dogs. Mum was just 54 years old. It has been so hard to take and we continue to struggle to come to terms with what has happened.
I had a fantastic relationship with my mum and in her memory I wanted to start a Foundation. I have worked for the past month on doing this and we now have the Cathie Stankevitch Foundation, which will be registered as a Charity in early 2016.
Through the Foundation, we will support the fantastic work already being done by Charities and Organisations that already support the rugby league family, and we will also contribute to the game at Junior level.
We will also work with Childrens Charities and organisations for the homeless as well as running our own projects in the communities of rugby league.
I wanted to post this today, to raise awareness of what we are doing and also to bring to your attention our Sports Memorabilia Auction which is now 'live' on the website.
Your can find the website here -->
We have over 70 items up for grabs, with almost every Super League club sending something through to us. We have had personal contribution from players as well as fantastic items donated from the wider sporting world such as signed Ryan Giggs, Ian Botham and Phil 'The Power' Taylor official shirts.
To go directly to the auction page, click here --> [urlhttp://www.cathiestankevitchfoundation.co.uk/auctions/[/url
We all talk positively about the 'Rugby League Family' being a tight knit community of people and I can honestly say that the support myself and my family have received so far has been brilliant.
Thanks to you all for taking the time to read this and hopefully look at the items.
As an aside, we are also currently selling Christmas Prize Draw tickets through the website, with tickets just 20p each. We have had over 40 prizes donated worth over £1500, so if you can spare 20p or more, that would help us in reaching our goal of raising £1000.
Here's the link for the tickets --> [urlhttp://www.cathiestankevitchfoundation.co.uk/christmas-raffle-2015-buy-your-tickets/[/url
From the money raised we will be donating something to a 9 year old boy in Warrington who expects this Christmas to be his last, though a terminal illness that he is suffering from.
Apologies if you found this post negative, but through the negativity I am trying to do positive.
If you can help me, please do so.
John Stankevitch