Quote ="Red-Devils-PAW"Just a tad presumptuous.Not only do you not know when the horse was given the name,or why,the likelihood of anyone else knowing about a horse racing at a course down south not frequented by rugby league followers,or rugby league media,is hardly an unveiling of a player signing.( No one would have known about it prior to a Salford fan posting on the Salford forum.)
As you appear to be an expert in psychoanalysis how do you explain the strange phenomena of mainly white men,with a propensity for violence and a bit of a drug dealing,naming their pit bull terriers and other canines,as Bruno and Tyson? Could it be they wanted to be signed up as the boxers agents ? Were they advertising their next fight ?
If you are convincing,how about your expertise on those people who name their babies after the complete team who win a professional sports competition ? [url=http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/local-news/meet-first-baby-boy-named-4044656Helpful Hint[/url
As for horses names - Brigadier Gerard and [url=http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/incoming/racehorse-owner-colin-peach-names-5145977Prostate Awareness[/url Any explanation ? Class or no class ?'"
No one would have know about it if it wasn't for a Salford fan posting on the Salford forum? Of course not. Not one other person would spot the horse in the national papers, the racing papers or just about any bookies website you care to mention. And considering it is running its first race this weekend it was clearly named recently. I don't think owners name their horses at birth.
Thanks for mentioning skin heads with trophy dogs and parents who think giving their kids stupid names is fun though. With that comparison I can see just what a classy chap this Doctor fellow is. Thanks.