Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"Just fine JD......floats just fine.
surely you know there is little if any conncetion between the investment arm of RBS and the retail and SME business banking that is the driver for the 11 million?'"

You'll prolly be needing it to move that strawman you've been trying to build below...
Quote gutterfaxFully accept that after being bailed out by the public and managing to wash away "other concealed" debts in the years afterwards is not right....and neither is the idea that eventually RBS will be private again, once the GB public have made it a sustainable entity.........BUT.......the 11 Million gives returns on their investment....."their" not being all the naughty boys in your links, but the place where middle england banks.'"
The only ppl getting a return from rbs are those who collect the fines misconduct, staff via Bonuses and union through increased sponsorship.
Quote gutterfaxI repeat, if the 11 million or 44 over 4 yrs was a wase of money than it would have been crushed immediately.....'"
Yes, crushed...presumably by the same suits who thought that bloke Maddoff had a rather spiffing idea and would later go onto sign off on the sub prime larks. The folk at RBS have made a habit of giving money to dodgy people and speaking of the unionites,
Quote gutterfax...you couldn't get any more high profile unless you sponsored the premiership'"
But surely the 50 million pound question is whether this particular Company, which continues to post Billion pound+ losses, should be using taxpayer monies in this way. We can argue elsewhere over the value and profile of the sick Nations (a record number of penalties kicked in one game so I’m told; Riveting stuff, ay).
Quote gutterfaxAs for the Marketing guy saying what he said........if it hadn't worked over the first few years, there's not a snowballs chance in hell he'd have asked for the budget to double the previous spend and extend the contract for 4 years....'"
Why not? You posted earlier that there was no way to quantify the success/ failure of multi layered sponsorship and now you’re claiming that Tarquin Gregory has somehow managed to do just that.
Quote gutterfaxyou're not that naive are you JD?'"
Aye prolly

, at least for the duration of the present conversation anyway