Warm Up Game announced ?
Italy V England Oct 19th -Salford City Stadium [url=http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/league-news/choc-keeps-ferguson-company-in-the-crowd-20130627-2p06g.htmlItaly lock in Poms[/url
Quote "Italy's World Cup side, captained by Anthony Minichiello and featuring the likes of Craig Gower, Terry Campese, Mark Minichiello, Anthony Laffranchi and Aidan Guerra, is set to play a warm-up match against hosts England at Salford. The match, which will be played a week before the tournament opener at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium, will give the Italian players a rare match together before they take on Wales in the October 26 double header, which will be headlined by England's clash with Australia. "