Quote dally messenger="dally messenger"keep squirming champ, this is funny.
i was pointing out how ignorant you were when you said you wouldnt be watching any RLWC games as youd be surfing.
clearly the fact that most of the games are at night is beyond your comprehension.
surfs up dude
You really are a stupid little crunt!!
If i'm away surfing, where theres no tvs, i obviously wont be watching it, will i?? so the games are at night, well gee bloody wiz, fancy that
I wouldnt expect that the players wanted to play in bloody heatwaves, what games arent at night these days, well over half of the NRL games would be, maybe its beyohnd you're comprehension that i trealised this all along & when i would be surfing i didnt literally mean Surfing at that very bloody second, but i'll be away "surfing" but you're to thick to realise that
Why would i squirm to a little westy like you??