As said previously minus rose tinted spectacles - its far worse than is currently being said - see below - we remain in special measures;
12 players on contract for 2020 and not allowed to sign anyone.
James Green already gone and the players are now being exposed to this news today - so who outside the 12 we have will hang around to see what happens next?
York and other clubs will be circling now I fear.
What a mess - once again finances all over the place with high wages paid to non footballing staff who do little to earn it - just the same under Marc Green.
So I wonder again - just what is the criteria to be granted ownership of a rugby league club? Must not be able to do sums?
As for Nigel Wood and his presence at the club - just another mystery.
Dominoes could start falling over now with season ticket sales being the next problem on the back of this.