The extraordinary session of the Rules Committee has just finished its deliberations.
Fevxr2i predicted Hull 20 Wire 24
That is, a Wire win by 4 points, and total points 44
jackmac452 rather mischievously posted exactly the same prediction, the tinker.
This could have brought into play the Tie Breaker Tie Breaker - Which minute will 1st. try be scored in?
If so, then jackmac452 would be the winner, as he made a prediction (11th), whereas Fevxr2i didn’t bother. The first try was of course in the 36th minute.
However, a rule of the Final was “
=#FF0000If any identical predictions are made then the person who made it first gets priority.”
With the assistance of much Paracetamol, the final ruling is as follows:
1. Both contestants predicted a Warrington win by 4. Fevxr2i did so first, and so would have won on priority.
But the prediction was wrong so neither player scores.
2. Both predicted the same total points. This meant whoever was closest to the actual points would be the winner. The total points scored was 22 so both are equally close. Or distant.
However, Fevxr2i posted his tiebreaker first, and so
wins the Title on priority and we don’t need to go to the tiebreaker tiebreaker. That would only have been needed had both contestants posted their tiebreaker answer simultaneously.
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Thanks to all who took part.