Just thought it was overdue to provide some information on recent BullBuilder activities.
In the last couple of months, we have:
[url=http://www.bullbuilder.co.uk/news/bullbuilder-provide-all-in-one-solution-for-academy/Provided printing facilities for the Academy[/url
[url=http://www.bullbuilder.co.uk/news/matty-stableford-wins-inaugural-bullbuilder-player-of-the-month-award/Presented the first under-19 Player of the month award to Matty Stableford[/url
[url=http://www.bullbuilder.co.uk/news/camcorder-donation-makes-juniors-the-stars-of-the-show/Donated a camcorder for performance analysis[/url
[url=http://www.bullbuilder.co.uk/news/under-19s-get-into-winning-ways-and-you-can-encourage-them-to-greater-success/Initiated a 'predict the under-19s' points tally' scheme and competition[/url
As you can see from the last link, the 'predict the under-19s' points' tally scheme remains until the end of March. The idea is that we are asking people to pledge 5p for every point scored by the under-19s in the first phase of the Academy Championship (12 matches) and to make their own predictions. The closest prediction will win 25% of the total pot. After 5 matches, the team have scored 81 points. You can send your pledge and prediction to
info@bullbuilder.co.uk. Proceeds will go to fund more donations like those described above.
We are also in the process of sending out membership cards. If you are a current member and we do not have your up-to-date address or Email (or if you are not sure whether we do), please get in touch with us at
Finally, if are interested in joining or re-joining BullBuilder, you can do so [url=http://www.bullbuilder.co.uk/join/here[/url. We will be announcing our first events of the season shortly.