Things would be so much better if everyone helped each other to the best of their abilities but unfortunately that will never be the "norm". So these companies do have a role to play and most people use them in a correct short term manner. The few who do not, whilst I can sympathise, are fools to themselves. These are always meant to be short term loans. I will wear the shirt proudly next season with the Provident logo boldly on display. This company have stated that they wish to invest locally etc and this can be seen as trying to go some way to making amends for the people who get caught up in the spiral of debt. I for one am very chuffed with OK, GS and team for brokering this deal and for a local company taking the chance on us and allowing us some of the tools to start making a challenge again. I think it is great that we have obtained such a huge sponsorship deal from a
Bradford company. COYB