Hargreaves looks fitter than he has done for a while. - NEEDS A GOOD SOLID SEASON.
Ainscough - I don't care who you are this guy has pace, can tackle, safe under the high ball, makes metres for fun, chases down well. Proven try-scorer. All he needs is injury free but even if he's a backup winger get him re-signed.
Crookes - I'd keep him, home grown and the only home grown back other than Sykes/Pryce.
Donaldson - was tearing teams apart pre-warrington injury. Give him time to overcome the psychological effects of the injury and he will be class once more, his only problem is how long until Langers hangs his boots up/moves on and how quickly will Bateman/Addy establish themselves at loose?
Elima - sign him up till he's 50.
Burgess - sign him up till he's 90.
Sammut/Manuokafoa/Pryce/Sibbit/Briggs need to prove themselves this year although I would give Briggs another year.
Jeffries and Walker can do one