Quote vbfg="vbfg"You can hear an ordinary matchday at Odsal in Bierley, about half a mile beyond the other side of the M606. That's a lot of potential complainers.
I have been in dance tents at festivals though where it was deafening inside and fifty yards away it was near silent. Maybe not so silent to people who haven't just staggered out, but still quiet. Don't know how much engineering or specialist equipment went into that but it was near a posh looking village in Surrey where I suspect there are more than the average number of complainers.'"
Matchday PA noise is a bit over the top at Odsal for me. I'm not trying to play the old fogey, but when you can't hear the guy in then next seat when he's shouting at you, to me, it's too loud.
Going back to festivals though, I used to find that two minutes up close and personal to the PA turned everything quiet for about 48 hours.....at least after the ringing had stopped.