Quote ex Bull Dog="ex Bull Dog"go on then, how does a straight punt compare to a kick taken from behind one line and bounce before another line before going into touch compare?
how ever you try and justify this for the sake of scoring points on this board - it is not entertaining.....a bit like your trolling'"

I bet you typed that with pursed lips and a sense of outrage!
Let me see if we can point you in the right direction.
This is your original post
Quote ex Bull Dog="ex Bull Dog"Part of Toby Floods highlights for man of the match was a kick to touch'"
Congrats BTW, on looking up the 40/20 rule! Now if you understand the benefits it brings to a RL team, then I reckon, sooner our later the penny will drop regarding a similar tactical kick in Union......
Anymore of this "good works malarky" and I'm going to register as a charity!