BullBuilder – Game Show Evening.Tuesday Jan 25th 7.30 in the Legends Suite, Coral Stand, Odsal.
Following the BullBuilder AGM (7.00) we will be holding the Generation Game Show Event. Three teams of Bulls players, past and present, will compete in a selection of games from some of your favourite game shows.
The three teams will consist of Bulls (featuring Andy Lynch) Young Bulls and Veterans. You will also be given the chance to join one of the teams as a guest player! During the interval we will draw the raffle and present a cheque to the club to help pay for some specialist gym equipment for the younger players. If time permits we will have a Q&A session with the players to round off the evening.
This event is FREE to all BullBuilder members and £5.00 to non members. You can join BullBuilder on the night for as little as £10 and this will give you free entry to any other BullBuilder event held in 2011.
Please come and enjoy a relaxing, fun evening with some of the players and help BullBuilder ( The Bradford Bulls Supporters Trust) to continue in our efforts to support youth development at our club.