Right, eleven home fixtures left even though it's only just March.
The idea is to come up with something that came be filmed cheaply and quickly, put on youtube with a caption along the bottom advertising the relevant game and allowed to go viral. From some of the stuff I see get posted on facebook, it won't have to be all that good.
Fixtures, plus things that occur to me
Hull - Steve Mac tries to teach Menzies how to speak Hull; fern/phone, kirk/coke
Leeds - hmm, that lot aren't so funny right now.
Wire -Phoenix from the flames style recreation of (presuming he's still there) Jimmy's try against Leeds in the semi where he got up and shouted at Mercer, except in comes Jeremy Kyle: 'James, instead of just shouting at Gary, try telling him how you feel'... I'd like to work in a paternity test in there but not quite sure how.
Celtic - ah, they're welsh. This should be easy.
Wakey - another phoenix from the flames, Neil Summers and the try that never was. Have him put in down on the 20
Saints - the Withers non-knock on
Cas - Ocean's Eleven spoof set in Cas Vegas
Salford - Corrie spoof. Next.
Wigan - Paul Deacon demonstrating why pies have holes in the top of them
Quins - musings on the north-south divide
Catalans - see Celtic
I believe these could be improved on.