Quote Saddened!="Saddened!"The out the back pass was a cracking piece of skill that would have resulted in a try had it gone to Foster rather than the touchline. Would you rather he wasn't trying that kind of thing in the first place? I think that's a dangerous precedent to set. Personally I'll never bag a player for trying something close to the opposition line.'"
I have no problem with trying something out but he made some bad choices during the match as to when to try these things.
For example his long pass to Foster cutting out Meli. A lovely long pass.
Foster is pushed into touch.
Ashurst (with 15 seconds left) is in the same position. Takes two steps and passes it to Meli.
Meli steps round two players and wins the match.
Which pass was the most skillful: Armstrongs
Which pass was the correct one to do: Ashursts