Some absolute classics on this one
Quote Now then thou git soft jessie from down yonder what dust thou think thou be doing comin in here n fookin knockin me pint ova eh you (incomprehensible words experts believe may contain information about the person they are talking to Mother's sex life, or calling you either a) something racist, b) something racist, or c) something rascist) - Excuse me old chap, I can't help noticing you are from down South and wonder what you could possibly mean by spilling my alcohol beverage, old bean, which one suspects you may have done deliberately. I suggest you apologise and buy me another or I may throw further insults at you then go make love to your mother or sister. '"
Quote Pass cow (Pronounced, Pass't coo)- Rough traslation - Pass the milk
Quote Acoustic - A stick for hitting cows with. '"