See now I thought Kyle only played ok... Didn't get a grip and run the game like a he is able of doing, this was left more to other players.
I wasn't confident in his tackling and when Bradford attacked that side I felt they were gonna score more often than they did.. He did prove me wrong with a few tackles though (I calmed down a bit then).
He definitely offers a different kind of threat than Sean does but he took the wrong option on a few occasions and his passing was a little wayward at times, they hit their targets but Christ they weren't the prettiest of throws.
The team played well today in patches and I think we were lucky that:
1) Thalers whistle wasn't blown more! Especially with the Bradford fans shouting and chanting 'Forward' and 'Boooooo' (Worse than us at home they are!)
2) We were playing Bradford.
Great day out overall and to top it off in the last 4mins some 'larger' build of woman who was a Bradford fan in the away end got a little p1ssed when some fans started to sing 'My old man......' and took it upon herself to b1tch slap the bloke stood behind he right in the face causing his baseball cap to fly off his head!
Oh and what a swinging right arm it was, the bingo wings were going and everything.
Thing is she had already informed the stewards due to the Saints fans bad language (mainly aimed at Thaler) and thought that a full on assault would be more of an example to set for her kids.
Either way, oh how I laughed
Well done Saints. ***Copied from Redvee post, but I had to share it***