Among his many other talents Koukash also appears to have written his own Wikipedia page
What is difficult to understand is why a self proclaimed top notch businessman with a self worth of between $900million and $3billion (thats a big range Marwan, can you narrow it down a bit, maybe be a bit more accurate or do your assets fluctuate daily by 300% or so), why this ace businessman cannot run a sporting club like a business, because thats what it is.
I have run my own business and anyone else who does the same knows that you have three things to watch, your income and your expenses and the most important your ego, don't go signing a lease on that £80,000 Mercedes "because you deserve it" when your profits are turning into losses.
So you have a business with a fairly static income, a known income and a potential to increase that income by offering a good product, but your baseline is covered by a donation from sponsors every year which is something that not many businesses have the luxury of - where do you fook up so badly when you start from that point ?
The ego kicks in, thats how.