I think some of the decisions for both sides were baffeling at times.
As for the forward passes, one was very maginal I thought, the other was deffinately forward. However, I don't think they were 2-3 yards forward as someone has suggested! And lets face it, not trying to be bitchy or provoke an argument, but Leeds score their fair share off forward passes.
The penalty against Cross on Cockayne was a spot on decision. To me He looked like he had every intention of shoulder charging Cockayne before he caught the ball, probably a little frustration creeping in on Cross' part.
Overall, we got the rub of the green, it happens. The overall reffing displays have to be looked at imo, not just Mr Alibert. It's been far too inconsistant!
For my last point, I would just like to thank the fans that travelled, nice turn out compared to most!