Quote LS16_Rhino="LS16_Rhino"Repeatedly using the same adjective shows a distinct lack of both creative and academic intelligence.
Please do not question my intellect again until you can show at least a modicum yourself.'"
You do know that blatantly is an adverb, not an adjective right?

My excuse for using the same 'adjective' a few times is that: i quickly wrote a response, and didnt check to see if i had used a large enough variety of 'adjectives', because i was responding to an idiot, on a rugby forum?
Whats your excuse for not knowing the difference between an adverb and an adjective? Or is it just that you're lacking in academic inteligence?
I can show intelligence whenever i want thankyou, im obviously not as insecure as you, about my own intelligence, as i know i have nothing to prove to the likes of you.
Also, are you willing to insult my repeated use of the same 'adjective' to my face? Because if not, then your point is invalid (thats how it works on this forum, isnt it?)