OK, top 3 players against the oppo's. 3pts for the best, 2 pts for 2nd and 1 for 3rd...simplez! Oh, and you can give reasons too if you wish.
3 (best) - McGuire - I will bang this drum 'til the end of time. Danny is a better 7 than a 6. Tonight he controlled the game and looked dangerous everytime he had the ball. I liked how he was taking the line on and then passing deep which created more space for the outside backs. He also put the defence in 2 minds by regularly jinking into the line himself. My MoM.
2 - Peacock - That 1st spell was pretty amazing and as always never stopped while he was on the field. He intensity in the "O" and "D" is quite awesome if you ask me.
1 - Diskin - This was a close call between him and Lauitiiti for me but he really controlled the game in the middle tonight and took the line on very well when needed. His passing was much better than recently aswell. Maybe Buderus ha been teaching him

Either way a step upo from his last 4 or 5 performances.