Quote DoubleAone="DoubleAone"Here is a question for the referees on this forum.
Hanley was "offside" many times in his career according to yesterdays ruling.
He would play the ball after being tackled and rather than retire would immediately move down field to wards the opponents tryline.
The attack would break the line and he would then be in a position to recieve the ball and score.
AFAIAA he was NEVER penalised for this but according to this recent ruling on the Webb incident Hanley was always OFFSIDE or rather not elegible to recieve the ball.'"
Everyone excluding the player playing the ball and the acting half back, as he would have been playing the ball he would never have been offside in those occasions

Webb was not playing the ball or acting half back and as a result offside
As quoted here:
Quote DoubleAone="RL Rules"Section 11 The Tackle & The Play The Ball
Retire at play the ball
10 (g) players of the side not in possession other than the-ball the player taking part in the play-the-ball and the acting half back are out of play if they fail to retire ten (10) metres from the point at which the ball is played or to their own goal lines. Players of the side in possession other than the player taking part in the play-the-ball and the acting halfback must retire behind their players involved in the play-the-ball or to their own goal line.'"