Everyday is a School Day and with that in mind a Bit Of Maths for ya............
Obviously this is highly averaged but interesting enough and keeps me entertained at work. So...
Length of a League Match:80 minutes
Average Number of Defensive Sets per Minute: 1
Number of Defensive Sets per Match: 80
Each defensive set you line up and run forward to meet the attacking team. As I said its
all about averages so sometimes you'll meet the attackers early (say when a defensive marker tackles) and sometimes they make 10yards plus. i'll work on an average that an attacking team makes 5 yards everytime they run the ball. This is usually 5 times and then followed by a kick so the defensive team are going up to meet the attacking team and then retreating 10yards 6 times in every set.
So for each of the 6 tackles in a defensive set you run forward and retreat 10 and this is done approximately 80 times in a match. Per defensive set a team covers approx 78 metres (working on an average of going forward 5 yards to meet the attacking play and then retreating 10 yards.) This is done 80 times in a match so therefore in defence a rugby team will cover (on Average) 6240 metres. And thats ignoring possible breaks an attacking team could make and the kick the defensive team need to run back to retrieve. The defensive team will always cover this ground pretty much.
Now when attacking its different because you dont have to retreat 10 metres. Seen as i've worked on an average of 5 yards lost per by the defensive team I'll again use this meaning the attacking team makes 25yards plus the kick or final play (5yards 5 times in theory). Thats approximately 23 metres per attackin set. So if your attacking once every minute and making 23 metres each time that means in a match you'll cover 1840 metres in attack per match. That is excluding the final play of the set which is usually a kick and chase or like and which is probably wheer you will make alot of ground. Add up the defensive metres ran (6240) and the Attacking metres ran (1840) and you come to a total of 8080 metres per match.
As I said before that is greatly averaged and it is an innacutate figure in theory. But it is pretty much a minimum a player will run per match because it excludes breaks, kick chases, dummy running and penalties where your taken back ten. In football when they say a player has ran 10'000 metres (or 6 miles per match) your nearly always talking about the midfielders. I bet half of a football team never come close to running that far., wheras in Rugby your a unit, and your a line and your all running the same as a bare minimum. Pretty much the only one who wont will be the full back. I think its safe to say though that rugby players cover at least 8000metres a match and this is a VERY bare minimum.
I reckon all in all they'll cover alot more metres than footballers as a whole. Whats more....they wont be diving any of those metres either
I appreciate that this is pointless really as its grossly averaged and highly innacurate but i think its definately highlights a possible and reasonable minimim figure of ground players covered. entertained me for an hour and all............