Quote nantwichexile="nantwichexile" =#0000FFI am reticent to start any negative posts after such a magnificent team effort, but I still cannot comprehend the inclusion of Kirke in what is considered the first 17 again by a respective Leeds coach. ?'"
Why break the habits of a lifetime?
Quote nantwichexile="nantwichexile"Surely Lauititi was hard done by to be dropped in his favour yet again ...the lad has been deprived of two wembley appearances and possibly (could have been definitely) his 200th appearance.
Okay there's no room for sentiment in sport...BUT Ali's nemesis must have something I'm missing.
Even Amor would surely command a bench spot over our puzzling gentle giant ?'"
Kirke did ok last night and put in some big tackles.
Did you see the interview given by Sinfield in the Sky pre match build up? He spoke very well and said some good positive things about coach BM. One point was he said that last year the players were not sure of their roles and this is one of the things that BM has put right this year but it has taken time.
So the team selections are based on players fullfilling the exact role that has been allocated so they all know where they are. Kirke has shown improvement this year and perhaps he is fullfilling the role of sub prop with orders to defend around the ruck and not miss tackles and give away penalties. In this he has been successful. It is a similar role that Bailey used to fulfill (with the exception of giving away penalties).
This year Bailey has been asked to improve his go forward which he also has done sucessfully. If Big Mac has improved the performances of two long term 'bench subs' then this indeed shows good coaching skills.
Maybe next year he can teach Kirke to improve his go forward game as well! And if he can get Webb to stop making forward passes he will become coach of the year!icon_razz.gifRAY: