Richard Tunningley, Gary Thornton, and Terry Matterson all managed to make it along with all of the winners from the junior set-ups.
Deano made it at the last minute but had been delayed on the way back from France.
As far as I am aware there were late withdrawls from Craig Huby and Kirk Dixon , but im not sure if anyone heard from Rangi Chase. Rumour had it that Willie Isa had planned his leaving do for the same night, so that may be the reason for the non-attendances , but id doesn't look good when there was a room full of people there.
Hopefully there will be some pictures from the event with the winners that did manage to attend, later this week, so keep an eye on
It isn't the first time this has happened and sometimes it is understandable why the players can't make it, but my thoughts are that the club should do better with things like this, especially as the SC has so far donated over £40,000 since it was set up.